Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The MEGA HUGE Aquarium, Easter Sunday, Scoop Fest, And The Hospital Adventures Continue (Unfortunately)........

Long story short, there used to be an aquarium in Sandy, UT but they relocated it to Draper. Reason being.... They wanted to make it HUGE! I must say, they accomplished it. We took Melanie and it was such a fun trip. She loved every minute of it. 
Here's how it went....

Of course, a picture of the pamphlet.
Pointless... I know, but it's memories people!

We stopped to see the penguins (my personal favorite). Melanie was so mesmerized by them. The way they waddled around and dove into the water was making her giggle. For whatever reason (maybe because she is small) the penguins seemed to like her too. They would literally swim right up against the glass where she was. Pretty cool little creatures.

Melanie and Daddy checking them out! 

Squish thought it was pretty cool to be taller than a penguin. She kept trying to pet its head as if it was a real one. Hahaha!

The jelly fish were pretty cool too! I wish I could've gotten a better picture of them though.
 Oh we'll... It was really dark where they were. It was most likely dark because the jelly fish could glow when black lights were turned on and black light aren't bright at all.

They have this underwater tunnel thing where you can walk through it and see all the fish, sting rays, and sharks swim above you.
This was awesome! 
Pictures don't even do it justice! You need to go and see it for yourself! It really does make you feel like you are under water! :)

(Insert JAWS music here) 
"Dun Nuh, Dun Nuh" At least that's what it sounds like in my head.

I really enjoyed this part of the exhibit. Can ya tell? Hahaha! 

"Whoa Mommy, that fish is a lot bigger than the ones we have in our tank at home."

"What the heck is that thing?"

Melanie loves playing outside. It has to be one of her favorite things in the world to do right now.
Look at those cute new earrings! Pretty girl!

She also enjoys pushing Mommy on the swing. She gets quite the kick out of it. Hahaha! 

She has a blast laughing at the dogs when they run in circles around her. 

Abby has a thing with tugging rope. She absolutely loves it.
It can get quite annoying as you can imagine...

This girl is just loving life to the fullest! 
Love her to pieces!

Warm weather means pudgy painted toes and sandles! 
Cute little feet! 

I love my little family :)
Dallan bought a tripod for his IPhone so we decided to test it out one night.
It turned out into a fun little photo shoot.

"Mommy, Daddy..... Ewwww!"

Dallan's family's dog, Kenai, was having troubles with his back paw one week. It was bleeding really bad and it was pretty swollen. Well Lance, my father-in-law, was going to be at work so I offered to help out by taking Kenai to the vet while Lance met me there later on. That poor dog was so squished in the back of my little car with Melanie. Hahaha!
I'm sure he appreciated it though, after all he got the medicine that he needed to get his foot healed.
Side note... the look on Melanie's face cracks me up in this picture. :)  

Lindsey, my sister-in-law, and I decided to take a night off and get pampered. It was nice getting my nails done. Last time I got them done was three years ago for my wedding!

So basically, since I wrote the last post we moved back to West Jordan. We are currently living with Dallan's family in their basement. Our lease at our apartments ended and we didn't want to resign a new one because we were tired of living there. Dallan's family is generous having us live with them while we look for a house of our own.
I'm not going to lie, I wasn't thrilled about the idea at first living with family.
But I will say this... It's been a HUGE blessing.
Recently I've been really sick with stomach problems. And not once, but multiple times my body has gone into shock.
Fortunately, my father-in-law was home in the morning during this one. My body broke out in hives and I was sweating bullets. He was able to drive me to my parents' house so that my mom could care for Melanie. Then he took me to the hospital and stayed with me the entire time so that Dallan could work.   

Lance even took me to get nothing but the one and only Baskin Robbins after the hospital!
(Probably because I didn't cry when the nurse put in my IV) ;) Haha!
But really though, on a more serious note, I'm really grateful that he was there to do all that for me and not think twice about it.
 I'm a really lucky girl to marry into such a great family.  

Melanie LOVES her bath time! The second picture is so funny to me. It is as if she is thinking, "Uh oh, Dad's in here! Give me some privacy!"

Here is Melanie's Easter basket.

As a tradition we ALWAYS color eggs at Grandma and Grandpa Hope's house.
This time Melanie got to be apart of it! She had so much fun with it too! Her favorite part was dunking the eggs in the cups of dye........ and making a mess.

Cool new tie-dye eggs that we tried out this year. They turned out pretty cool if I do say so myself.


This picture is cute. Grandma is just loving watching Melanie look at the Easter Village.

Here's another incident where I had to be taken to the hospital, Easter morning. This time I was taken by ambulance. And once again, it was lucky that we were with family. It was like 3 in the morning and my body decides to shut down on me. I hardly remember any of it because I kept going in and out of consciousness and my body was unresponsive. My mother-in-law was able to call 911 and Lauren (my sister-in-law) was able to watch Melanie and rock her back to sleep.

When Dallan and I came back from the hospital, we finally got the chance to give Melanie her Easter basket. She LOVED it! She loves books so it's a good thing we put some in there!
By the way, if I don't look too happy in these pictures it's because I just got back from the hospital. I really was happy though. :)

Later Easter Sunday, we had dinner with my family. :) We "hid" eggs outside in their backyard and let Melanie "find" them. Hahaha!
As you can see they weren't hidden at all. Melanie had to get used to the concept of picking up the eggs and putting them in her basket, so we just kind of threw them on the grass. When she gets older we plan on hiding them for real.

Nice thing about living in an actual neighborhood is that we have playgrounds!

Spring is definitely here!

Ok, so the BEST thing (besides marrying the love of my life and having a baby... OF COURSE!) happened to me this past week. April 22-24, Baskin Robbins had a scoop fest promotion.
$1-kid's scoop, $2- 2 scoops, and $3-3 scoops.
Yes.... I went ALL THREE DAYS!

This kid makes the funniest faces. I wonder where she gets it from...
Hehehehe! ;)

I love snuggling this baby. She is my world!

And yes... One last picture of the scoop fest.
Dallan says I'm obsessed. I don't think so......... :)

More fun posts soon to come!
Next up... Saint George bound, here we come!