I love my baby with all my heart and I am so happy that my Heavenly Father trusts me enough to raise her and be her Mommy. She has brought Dallan and me so much happiness and she is the biggest blessing .
Dallan's brother Justin is home from Dixie State. He went with us on a trip to the store and found hats for Melanie to try on.
My mom says Melanie is just like me when I was her age. She likes to watch Sesame Street. "Elmo's world...."
My cute Squish posed for a picture while we were waiting for Daddy in the car.
Look at that little tongue!
I finally got some good pictures of her two bottom teeth. So cute!
The past few days Dallan and I have gone nuts taking Melanie on trips to the pet store. We LOVE watching her have fun seeing the animals! So we took her to Petco, Pet Village, and some pet store close to our house (I forget what that one is called).

I made this roast the other day for dinner. It was divine. Mmmmm!
So supposedly a few weekends ago we had the biggest full moon. Apparently, it's the biggest it was going to be all year.
Well.... Here it is. The giant Moon.
Since our Squish has teeth, she's obsessed with biting hands.
Ouch! Those things are like little needles!
Here's the usual cute dog and baby picture. Abby really wanted to get in the bathtub with Melanie.
My mom pulled this out from her basement. It's my old dress! I wore it when I was a baby. Obviously, I wore it when I was a little older than Melanie. Boy, times have changed. I don't even think you could find a dress like that now days.
Was I a pioneer or a cast member from Little House on the Prairie when I was a baby?
Melanie loves animals, so naturally she tried to roll over to Dallan's family's cat, Miloh.
Miloh wasn't too sure why a marshmallow in the form of a human baby was rolling over to grab him. :)
Rolling chubby babies are THE BEST!
Remember the swing set? Well... It's finished! Melanie LOVES the swing!
Thank you Hopes!

Going for a drive and enjoying the view. Utah is so pretty! Love the mountains!
My Aunt, Uncle, and their kids came to Utah from California to see my brother Ben before he left for his mission. My cousins were obsessed with Melanie. They loved how squishy she is!
Who doesn't?!
Melanie wearing my cousin Brianna's beanie. She looks like a little Bob Marley.
These were the refreshments that were served at my brother's farewell party.
These pictures were taken right after my brother was set apart as a missionary!
OF COURSE it wouldn't be natural of us if we didn't throw in a goofy one!
The top picture was taken on our way to the airport. No it was not night time! It was before the butt crack of dawn! Soooo early... It was 4 am.
The lower picture was taken on our way home from the airport.
Saying our goodbyes to my little brother.
We will always be my Mommy's babies. :)
We were able to meet the two other Elders that were going to serve the same mission as Ben! Pretty cool!
They all became instant friends!
Hasta luego Hermano Wadman!
Te quiero mucho hermanito!
I officially have my two little brothers out on missions at the same time. That's awesome if you ask me!
I love you guys! You are a wonderful example to a lot of people!
See you both soon!
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