Being invited to our good friend's family BBQ was a great way to start off the 4th of July! We had a blast! Good food, good company, great fireworks, who could ask for more?
Our friend Madi had to work on the 4th so we got a head start celebrating Independence Day a day early this year!
We literally were right next to the REAL Soccer stadium. The fireworks were directly over us! We could feel the ground shake from the BOOMS!

Melanie did FANTASTIC! It was her first firework show and she didn't cry at all. I think the thing that bugged her the most was me shoving my finger in her ear to help block the sounds from the loud explosions. Hahaha!

The next day was Independence Day!
Melanie's First one!

We had a BBQ at Dallan's Uncle Monty and Aunt Julie's house!
It was also a celebration for Grandma Hope's birthday! Her birthday is on the 4th of July!

The day we hung out with our friends the Hugie's (the 3rd), Melanie and I had a lunch date with Madi and her little man JJ. We went to Café Rio! It was Delish!
The kids had fun playing with one another while their mommies got their food.

On the 4th, Dallan and I spent the afternoon at my parents house before we headed to the Hope's family BBQ.
I pulled out my old Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals. I loved these guys when I was little. I wanted to see how Melanie would react to them.
She loved them! I think she had fun. They were bigger than her!

After bath time I put a little too much baby powder on the little Squish. Oooops! Hahaha!

My little sunshine ready for church!

Ok, FINALY.... Here are some family pictures we took! We had them done at the Quilted Bear! They provided the lighting and the backdrops. All we needed was to take the pictures!
Not too bad if you ask me!

I saved the best for last...
This one is my favorite :)

For those of you who have seen "Despicable Me" will under stand this. I was playing with Melanie and I was showing her this stuffed animal. When she saw it, she gave this HUGE smile. It made me think of "Despicable Me" when the little girl sees the stuffed animal at the amusement park. Hahaha!
I'm almost positive Melanie was thinking the same thing...

Yesterday, Melanie was so tired that she fell asleep on me. I didn't want to put her in her crib. I LOVED it. I love when my baby cuddles. I took advantage of it because I know it won't last for long. I'll just enjoy every moment of it while it does last.

Your family pictures are so cute!! Melanie is definitely not camera shy.