Well everyone, summer continues! We have been outside a TON and Melanie has loved every minute of it! She is definitely an outdoors person.
(As shown by the large smile in this picture)

I really enjoy doing my nails and making them cute and whatnot, BUT... Since Melanie has been born, I really have no time to do them unless she's asleep. Even then, I don't risk it because if she wakes up and I have to change a poopy diaper with wet nails... Well you get the picture. I'm screwed.
One night, I decided to be adventurous and just paint my nails. I did them summery!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a baby girl.
It's so fun painting her tiny toes. Of course, I have to wait while she's sleeping to do them.
I even put a cute teenie tiny flower on her big toes!
Did I mention I LOVE having a little girl?

Melanie even got cute summer outfits!
They are ADORABLE!

This is me getting artsy with the camera. Hahaha! It is titled, "Baby looking off into the distance pondering upon the meaning of life..."
Hahaha! And that was me pulling crap out of thin air.
Let's just say this is a cute picture. Check out those eyelashes!!!

So we've been working with Melanie on sleeping without swaddling her. We bought her this little "Sleep Sack" and it has been doing the trick. It keeps her bundled, but lets her arms free at the same time. It's safe too because once your baby starts rolling over there are no loose blankets in the crib to get in their way. I HIGHLY recommend one for your baby.

This picture is not edited I swear! This is one of the reasons why I love summer! Beautiful sunsets!

So Dallan's family got this really nice play set for current and future grandchildren. Let's just say I don't think Melanie has to share this for a while. Hahaha! Dallan and them have been taking time during the evenings to build it! It's coming along nicely!
I can't wait until it's finished! Did I say "I" can't wait? I meant Melanie can't wait.... Hahaha!

The usual cute "best buds" picture. The blog wouldn't be complete without one.

My pretty baby girl in her summer dress all ready for church.

Since The Little Squish has been able to sit up, we put her in the cart kiddie seat instead of leaving her in her carseat. This picture was taken the first time we let her sit in the cart!
She loved it!

This June, Dallan had his first Father's Day! I hope he enjoyed it!

Melanie's two bottom teeth are coming in and one night we thought her top teeth were coming in too. She kept moving her tongue to the top of her mouth so we couldn't see anything. This was the only way we could see the top of her mouth. Hahaha!
It was a false alarm. No top teeth coming in yet.

Ok those of you who don't like snakes might get queezy by this next picture. Our good friends the Pace's have a little corn snake. Growing up, my brothers and I used to have one and it got pretty huge. This one is like a chubby earth worm. Melanie even tried picking it up with her feet.

The Pace's are so awesome! They gave us this bouncer thing with toys. Melanie absolutely LOVES it!
Thank you guys!
It buys us a lot of time!

Ok this picture is funny. I swear this kid can change moods like Utah changes its weather.
I guess you can say she's a typical woman. Hahaha!
One minute she'll be happy and laughing and you'll be thinking, "man, it's going to take forever to get her to sleep."
Once you think there's no hope.... BAM! She's exhausted and screaming her head off because she wants food and to go to bed. Hahaha!

Basically, this summer has been fun and it's only the beginning of it!

I'm excited to see what else this summer is going to bring!
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