A lot has gone on this month. I seriously cannot believe it is already October! The year is almost over and boy did it go by fast.
So pretty much the weather is getting a lot colder, the leaves are changing, and starting to fall off the trees. I LOVE this time of year. Time to snuggle up under a blanket with my hubby and baby.
I love these pictures and I love making memories with my little family.
The picture below is of one of our FHE (family home evening) activities. One Monday evening, we went to the Draper Temple and walked around the grounds. It was blast and Melanie had fun too. Can't you tell? Hahaha!
So pretty much the weather is getting a lot colder, the leaves are changing, and starting to fall off the trees. I LOVE this time of year. Time to snuggle up under a blanket with my hubby and baby.
I love these pictures and I love making memories with my little family.
The picture below is of one of our FHE (family home evening) activities. One Monday evening, we went to the Draper Temple and walked around the grounds. It was blast and Melanie had fun too. Can't you tell? Hahaha!

We got to enjoy having General Conference this month as well.

This picture says it all.... They are the coolest.

After one of the sessions, President Monson motioned a little boy to come to him with his hand. That little boy got to shake our Prophet's hand. What a cool experience for that kid. I bet he will never forget it! AWESOME!

Cool story behind this picture. This couple lives in one of the areas that Ricky is serving in. They are from Wyoming and they told Ricky that if he needed anything sent home, that they would take it home for him because they were coming to Utah for General Conference. They came over to my parents' house for the Sunday morning session and had breakfast with us. It was really neat to meet them especially because they know my brother. We HAD to take a picture of Melanie with them. It's cool that she was able to take a picture with a family that Ricky has been given the opportunity to serve. Now that they've gone back to Wyoming, when they see Ricky, they can say that they've met his niece before he has. Hahaha! He'll get to meet her soon enough though! Two and a half more months! Woo hoo!

This is Dallan and his cousins after the priesthood session. They have this tradition where they all go out as a family to dinner afterwards. There is usually a lot more men in the family that go, but this is all who went this year. It still looks like they had fun!

My cheeseball.

We've given Squish a variety of new treats/snacks. Nilla Wafers are one of them. She absolutely LOVES them!

I went and bought her some new books as well.
I got all of these at a store called Kid to Kid. I highly recommend this store for only toys and books. I got these six books for eight bucks. What a steal and they are all in great condition!

The neighbors that live behind Dallan's family have an Irish Setter and she had PUPPIES! Aren't they the flippin' cutest! Of course, we had to take a picture of Melanie with the puppies.
What's cuter than a baby with puppies?

She thought that these little animals looked familiar. We have a bigger black one at home... Abby!

Us hanging out with Melanie's Aunt Lauren.

Taking a bath in my parents' laundry room. So cute! She sure loves the water!

Squish and her Autumn attire. Isn't it just adorable!

My friend Madi and I got the chance to have a girl's night and boy was it definitely needed! There were a lot of story telling, laughing until our abs hurt, exploring down town, and OF COURSE Chinese food. Not just any Chinese food, Asian Star.... Mmmmmm.
I think it's safe to say we both had a good time.

I went to the bathroom and came back to this. She was really quiet and stealth as a cat while she did it. Sneaky little munchkin made a mess with the DVD's! By the look on that face, I know for a fact she knew exactly what she was doing. Hahaha!

This is Melanie while we were waiting to eat dinner on my Dad's birthday.
We all got to spend some special time as a family.

Gathered around to celebrate my Daddy's birthday!

After dinner on my Dad's B-Day, Melanie got brave and decided to use this walker by herself! She did a great job!
It was fun to watch and pretty cool that it happened on my Dad's big day!

The very next day was Dallan's Mom's birthday!

Dallan's sisters insisted that we play some games. It was fun!

My usual cutie-patootie baby and dog picture. This time I'm in them!

This was Melanie's first year at a pumpkin patch! We had so much fun! We went with our good friends the Hugies. We went with them last year as well. Except for last year, I was pregnant and getting freaking ginormous. This time was a lot more fun because we have a little kid of our own to enjoy it with.

"Let's go look at this pumpkin Daddy, come follow me!"

This handsome little boy is JJ. He is the Hugies' little guy. JJ is a year and a half. He has such a sweet face and a cute personality.
We are convinced these two are going to get married. Hahaha!
Hey..... you never know.

Oh, young love. Hahaha!

"Hey Melanie, check out my baby pumpkin!"

Some more cuteness!

I finally found the perfect pumpkin!

After we got our pumpkins, we all went back to our house to carve them! Well.... more like the boys clean the pumpkins out while the girls get artistic and carve them.

We let Melanie feel the inside of the pumpkin. She thought it was pretty cool. In fact, she liked it to much she started to eat it. RAW.

The finished products! Mine on the left and Madi's cute minion on the right!

Here's what my pumpkin looks like in the day light.

Melanie with her baby pumpkin.

Trying to share it with Abby...

Like I said before, so far a ton has happened. The end of the year is approaching and I'm SUPER stoked for the holidays to get here. I'm excited to share the holiday season with Dallan and a baby of our own.
I'm going to get the camera ready and we are going to make unforgettable memories.
Bring it on!
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