Melanie has developed quite the little personality. She likes to goof around and play games with us. The other night she thought it was the funniest thing to stick her fingers in Dallan's mouth.
"Eww Dad, you may want to consider flossing a little more."
Who knows, maybe she'll be a Dentist when she grows up?
Who knows, maybe she'll be a Dentist when she grows up?

Melanie and I like to have tickle wars. I love to hear her giggle and laugh.
It's so sweet and melts my heart.
It's so sweet and melts my heart.

She's turned into a little cheese ball. She has this goofy smile where she wrinkles up her nose and shows off her tiny teeth! It's so funny.

I've become the Queen of Organization. The Squish has gotten into EVERYTHING! Sooo... I had to store everything out of reach and make room for toys. Now if she pulls these boxes out, it's ok because they have her toys in them. Not to mention they match our decor (which I'm quite proud of).

Abby has 100% tolerance for this baby. Melanie has bit and/or chewed, pulled, yanked on the following:
her tail, paws, face, and ears. All Abby does is either lick Melanie until she stops or just lay there and put up with it.
her tail, paws, face, and ears. All Abby does is either lick Melanie until she stops or just lay there and put up with it.
We couldn't have asked for a better dog.

I've discovered the "by the pound" section at Winco. Dallan and I bought four pounds of candy the other day. We enjoyed them as we watched a movie. That was a few nights ago. We STILL haven't been able to finish them!

Here's more of the cheesy little girl!
Love her so much!

I decided to curl my hair one day and it didn't turn out so bad! It was more like loose curls or waves. Whatever it was, I thought it looked pretty nice for my hair type. I actually thought it looked good! For once... Hahaha!

I think I know where Melanie gets her cheesiness from....
Poor thing. She's doomed. Hahaha!
Poor thing. She's doomed. Hahaha!

Here's the usual cute "tug on the heart strings" picture of Abby and Melanie.

Melanie has enough hair so that we can brush it! It's a comb over, but who cares! It's still cute and I have fun brushing it! Hopefully it doesn't make her look too much like a little boy.... Oh well, that's why she has earrings right? Hahaha!
Doesn't she look so adorable! I can't wait until she has enough hair so that I can style it with cute pony tails and such.

She continues to be a daredevil. She can pull herself up on things and now she can walk around whatever she is holding herself up on. For example, in the picture she is using the coffee table to help her stand. She can actually walk around the whole table and if she's close enough, she can move from one thing to another. Like from the coffee table to the couch.
She's getting TOO mobile!

This year was the twelfth year since the September 11th terrorist attack. I can't believe it has already been that long. I still remember it clear as day even though it was many years ago.
I remember it was when we lived in California. I was eleven years old and in sixth grade. I had just finished my breakfast and was laying on the couch waiting to go to school. My parents' watched the news every morning so that is what was on the TV. Then it happened. BREAKING NEWS. The twin towers had been hit.
It is something I guarantee I will remember the rest of my life.
I'm grateful for those who gave their lives and for those who continue to fight for our country so that we may be protected and free.

Sometime last week, I was able to hang out with a good friend of mine, Kristie. We worked together at US Bank for two years. We laugh about it because we started working there on the same day and we both quit at the same time too! Hahaha!
Anyways, we met up at good ol' IHOP and enjoyed lunch with little Melanie. The Squish sure liked her! She was full of smiles for Kristie. After lunch we walked around Murray Park and took the time to talk and catch up. It was fun and good to see my friend. :)

There was a lady bug at the park while we were walking around and I took this picture of it. I thought it was pretty cool and artsy. Maybe? I'm trying to work on taking cool pictures.
Anyways.... Hahaha!

Another friend of mine Madi, and I were texting. Madi, Justin, and their little boy JJ are a family that we met in our ward. Since then, we've been good friends and try to hang out quite a bit. Now what we both have kids, we all work, it's been Summer and we have been out of town, and life has just been plain nuts.... we've had a hard time scheduling when we could all do something.
Madi and I were talking about how we missed hanging out and that we NEED to schedule a "get together" asap. We are pretty much nerds because we sent these pictures to each other to express how we felt about the situation. The first picture is because we missed each other and the second is when we decided to plan a get together. Hahaha!

This last Thursday, it poured rain. Autumn is officially approaching! I was kind of sad though when it rained Thursday because that was the same day that Dallan and I both had off work so we were planning on going to the State Fair! I was bummed, but Dallan told me to wait about thirty minutes and the rain would most likely go away. He was right! We went to the mall in the mean time, and walked around for about an hour and a half. What do ya know.... the rain stopped! The weather did a complete flip. It was now sunny and ready for us to go to the Fair.
We were on our way!!!

We got to the Fair and we had an absolute blast! Melanie legitimately had so much fun!

Cheesy Girl!

Sun in the eyes... AAHHH!

She was so tuckered out from all the fun!
Not to mention we gave her some whipped cream and it gave her a little sugar rush.
This was the crash after the rush.

Waiting for the horse show to start!

In the evening, there was this band of old geezers and they sang some oldies songs. Some of the songs they did were pretty good. Others... well... they should have left it to the professionals.

I LOVED the Fair at night. So pretty! It was just like in the movies.

"Hello Mr. Sheep."

Oh you know.... Just staring at some cow butts.

It's true what they say about goats. They'll eat and chew on ANYTHING.
These boogers kept trying to eat Melanie's stroller. One even tried to eat my pants!

Melanie was so happy at the Fair. She was having the time of her life! Every picture Dallan took of Melanie in these rodeo cut outs, she kept making a funny face. Here are two out of the billion we took!

She absolutely LOVED the roasted corn. We did too!!!
So flippin' tasty. Mmmmm!

OF COURSE we had to get some awesome traditional Fair food. Deep fried scone with cinnamon and honey butter AND funnel cake. Both extremely tasty and extremely fattening. Can you say clogged arteries? Good thing we don't go to the Fair everyday. Hahaha!
We let Melanie have a few licks of the whipped cream that was on the funnel cake. Boy was she on a sugar high after that. Hahaha! She was HYPER! It was so funny! Then she crashed and took a nap shortly after. That picture of her taking a nap earlier in this post, was of her during the "crash."

She has this new thing where she likes to point.

Some animals we saw!

Melanie's FAVORITE were the ducks.
I think because she was taller and bigger than them.

LOVED the Fair. We will definitely make an effort to go every year. Now that we have a kid, it makes things that were fun... fun again! It's the best!

More to come..... There's "Plenty of Hope" to go around!
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