We ended the month of August with a rough couple weeks. Melanie had her first major illness. At first we thought it was just teething because she had been getting her two top teeth, but then it got worse. She got rashes all over and she wouldn't sleep or eat. I took her to the pediatrician and he said she caught an infectional virus. Poor baby wouldn't eat because she got little canker sores all over the back of her throat. The doctor gave her some medicine and within a few days she was back to normal.
Let me tell you, having a sick baby is not fun for them OR the parents. Ugh...

When Melanie was sick, Abby wouldn't leave her sight. She was really worried about her. When Melanie took her naps, Abby would lay right next to her and take a nap too.

One of Melanie's FAVORITE things to do is walk! She always has to be holding someone's hands and having them walk with her. It can get very tiring sometimes...

Abby HAS to be right under Melanie's high chair while she eats, hoping that she will drop some food for her.

Little Squish knows that if she drops food, Abby will eat it. She thinks it's funny. I think it's annoying! Hahaha!
Look at the bright side, I guess I don't have to vacuum after every time Melanie eats because Abby eats it right up. She's a doggy garbage disposal.

Ok I know I put up tons of pictures of Abby and Melanie. They're just too cute not to! How can you not show the world something as sweet as this? Dogs truly are man's best friend or in this case "baby's" best friend. Abby literally treats Melanie as if she was one of her own puppies.

Someone enjoyed squash....

Squish has become more independent. She can now pull herself up in her crib and she walks around the perimeter.
She's growing too big too fast!

So remember Melanie's illness I talked about earlier? Well I caught it. Shocker there, my body has no immune system...
Anyways, I was puking and pooping then I got a MAJOR headache. It wouldn't go away for anything. Not even Advil or Tylenol helped. I went to the doctor because my head hurt and my neck and back was REALLY stiff. I've never felt a stiff neck or back like that. So a trip to the doctor turned into a trip to the hospital. They wanted to make sure that it wasn't meningitis. They made me wear a mask and I had to wait to be picked up from the doctor to go to the hospital. The doctor didn't allow me to drive myself. My dad came and got me and Dallan met us at the IHC in Murray. They drugged me and made my head stop hurting.
Turns out... This illness I caught from Melanie triggered an insane migraine. It's called a "complicated migraine" or was it a "complex migraine?" I don't remember. Whatever it was, I hope it NEVER happens again!

Melanie has six teeth now. Four on top and two on bottom. She likes to bite herself to feel her teeth.

Our little Drama Queen.

My parents got her the cutest dress!
She wears it to church quite often.

Cutest. Face. Ever.

She's learned how to wave "hi" and "bye bye." It's adorable.

Now that she has teeth, she's like a little beaver chewing up all the wood furniture in the house. Ugh!

Me and my mini me!

We have fun at home together. I love spending time home with her. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Bright eyes.

Melanie has learned how to give Eskimo kisses! It's so cute! All you have to do is say "Eskimo" and she leans in to let your noses touch. It's sweet.

Football season has officially started in the Hope home.

Little Ute Cheerleader.

Can't forget about Abby. We love our pooch.

We has the most AWESOME Labor Day weekend. After I got off work on Saturday, we headed to Heber, UT for a trip to the cabin. The ride there is always beautiful! We seriously live in a pretty place.

So pretty much my Father-in-law is the bomb.com! He took a trip to Pocatello, ID for a high school football game that he recorded. Anyways, I knew he was going there and I asked if he would stop at Jack in the "Crack" (I mean Box, Jack in the Box) and get me a few tacos. Two for 99 cents. Haha! He did!!!! He stopped there on his way home and brought me back tacos!
Best. Father-in-Law. Ever.
I enjoyed every one of them all be myself. Yes there were six of them. And NO I didn't eat them all in one sitting. I enjoyed some at the cabin. :)

First picture says it all. Cabin Sweet Cabin!

We saw tons and tons of wildlife there. Melanie saw her first deer! She kept trying to talk to it. It was cute.

There was also a Mama moose with her baby in front of Dallan's car. We didn't dare get too close to it. We didn't want to get charged. Then again, we didn't even have to try to get close. It was already right in front of us!

Our "Lot of Hope."
Great place to be to get away from the worries of the world.

Melanie and Dallan having some fun on our little walk. :)

There's nothing quite like the sounds of nature, playing cards for hours (LITERALLY hours), talking, laughing, and endless junk food.

This month on the 2nd, Melanie turned 8 months old! She's growing up!

I have to say... I agree.
Life gets busier and busier. But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything. As long as I get to tackle this crazy life with family and friends, bring it on!
More to come.... Just wait for it :)
Your little Melanie is so cute! during football season we are a house divided too.
ReplyDeleteThank you! It's kind of fun having a House Divided. It makes games interesting. Hahaha!