Fall is here! The weather is getting SUPER chilly. Here is our little Autumn wreath to welcome the new season! Isn't it adorable?

Melanie absolutely LOVES this wreath. It's the cutest thing. There is a funny story along with it. Melanie and I went to the store and there were five wreaths on display. I showed her each of them one by one. She didn't react to any of them except when I showed her this one. She got super happy and excited. She started giggling and trying to talk to it. Now every time we come home from somewhere and she see's it on the door, she gets really excited. I's so cute! We call it "her friend, the scarecrow."

Melanie absolutely LOVES this wreath. It's the cutest thing. There is a funny story along with it. Melanie and I went to the store and there were five wreaths on display. I showed her each of them one by one. She didn't react to any of them except when I showed her this one. She got super happy and excited. She started giggling and trying to talk to it. Now every time we come home from somewhere and she see's it on the door, she gets really excited. I's so cute! We call it "her friend, the scarecrow."

Nothing better than snuggling under a warm blanket and lighting a cinnamon scented candle.
To me that says "Fall" all over it.

Since the weather HAS gotten colder, I went out and got Melanie some baby boots. They are so cute I can't even stand it! Oh and isn't she rockin' those zebra pants? Hahaha!

Ummm.... This hoodie may be a little too small, don't ya think?

Therefore, we went and got her some new "cold weather attire." She was in desperate need of some warmer clothes. Just look at that face on the right. Hahaha!

Not only is it the season "Fall," but it's Football season too. This season can get very dangerous. Hahaha!
Dallan roots for the U of U and I cheer on BYU! Poor Melanie... She is going to grow up so confused.
Ah.... It's all fun and games. Dallan and I cheer on each others' teams EXCEPT when they play each other. Then it's every man for himself. No mercy. Hahaha!

Here is Melanie playing her "game." It's not really a game at all, it's a little Fisher Price app that helps babies learn the alphabet, shapes, numbers, etc. She gets super excited when we turn it on for her. She likes the songs that are on there. I don't, because they get stuck in my head and then I sing them all day long. Hahaha!

Ok I know this is a random picture, but can I just say that this place has to be my most favorite sandwich place EVER! It's so delish and lucky for us, it's only in Utah. If you are ever in the Salt Lake county area, take a 20 minute drive to Riverton and check this place out. The subs are to die for.

Pretty much I married one handsome man. I took this picture of him while we were on our way out to dinner. We went on a date and dressed up for it. It was fun!

My friend Madi, her little boy, Melanie, and I took a trip to Ikea for some shopping and lunch. We had a good time walking around and getting ideas on how to decorate our homes. The kids don't look like they were having fun, but I swear they were! Hahaha!

Squish LOVES her baths! She is most definitely a water baby!

Yeah, I had "one of those mornings."
Seriously? A plate? *Face Palm*

Ok, this is so flippin' funny and adorable all at the same time. So my brother Ricky is serving a LDS mission and when I was about 8-9 months pregnant, he sent this package with this beanie inside it for Melanie so she could wear it when she was born. When she came, it fit her PERFECTLY.
Eight months later..... well it doesn't fit so well anymore. As shown below. Hahaha!

One night we took a little family trip to down town Salt Lake City. Here is a picture of me and Melanie in the car while we were on our way.
We have way too much fun while Dallan drives.

The Salt Lake Temple is so beautiful.

Family picture!

"I love to see the Temple. I'm going there someday..."

Utah has some of the prettiest sunsets I've ever seen!

Of course the usual cute Melanie and Abby photo!
Abby seriously lets Melanie do anything to her including ripping her head off as shown below. Abby always has to watch her baby like a hawk. Melanie loves books and it looks like she was trying to read to Abby.
So sweet.

Melanie when she literally took a three hour nap. Boy, was that great!

This picture explains itself. CUTEST TOES EVER!
I even got a flower on there!

One night I made homemade waffles with ham and cheese eggs for breakfast. Sometimes you just gotta have breakfast for dinner. I love it! It reminds me of my childhood. I remember my brothers and I used to always ask my mom to make breakfast for dinner. It was one of our favorites!

Abby the snuggle bug.

Dallan and I were watching our wedding video the other night and look what we found....
My Mini-Me!!!
I think Melanie looks so much like me when I was a baby. It's crazy.

And if that isn't enough, she's developing my silly personality too.
Uh oh..... Hahaha! Love her SOOOOO much!

More adventures coming to a blog near you!