We are really lucky to live in a place where you don't have to drive far to see a little wildlife. One of our favorite things to do as a family is go for a Sunday evening drive and look for deer. Melanie loves it and when she's happy, I'm happy. :)

Cheap entertainment... Car washes. Haha!
I'm REALLY excited about this. I started our first little garden in our yard. So far it's just cherry tomatoes and strawberries, but hey... it's something.
I'm anxious to see how it turns out.
Dallan's parents went on a trip to Hawaii not too long ago. Lucky ducks! Hahaha! :)
They brought back a little something for Melanie. I've never seen such a cute hula girl! She rocked the coconut bra and grass skirt.
A little bit ago we took Melanie bowling for her first time. Can I just say SHE LOVED IT!
She had so much fun.
And HELLO..... baby bowling shoes?! Come on, they are the cutest!
She thought it was the coolest thing to push the ball off the ramp and watch the pins go down.
I love her face.
It was so cute to watch her get excited and give a little cheer when she knocked the pins down. This is definitely something we will do again. She had an absolute blast.
The other week Melanie and I went to Wheeler Farm with our buddies the Hugies.
Just look at these two. They kill me. Haha!
Then off to lunch! Chinese of course. I think Madi and I may have a little obsession with Chinese food.
A little while after planting, this beauty popped up. It made me happy. :)
One Saturday we went to the Payson, UT Temple open house with my family. Can I just say that it was absolutely beautiful.
It was so great taking Melanie. She was cute about the whole thing. She kept saying, "We are going to Jesus' house and he loves me."
As we went through the Celestial Room, Melanie said that it was "super sparkly and shiny."
Towards the end of the tour, there was a large picture of Christ.
I said to Melanie, "Look honey, it's a picture of Jesus."
What she said back to me, touched me so much I can't even explain it.
She said, "Mommy, I miss Him so much."
It gave me goose bumps.
The fact that she knows that we used to live with Him amazes me. She's only two. Who knows, maybe she does remember living with Him before she came to this earth. I don't know.
What I do know is that she humbles me and makes me want to be the best Mom I can be for her. She's so innocent and pure.
It was something I will never forget.
On Mother's Day I was pretty bummed because Dallan had to work all day, but Melanie and I took a nap together after church and she gave me sweet little kisses when she woke up. I love being her mom. She knows how to cheer me up.
Our little tom boy with her Broncos hat that Daddy got for her.
Here is a lady bug that she found. She decided to name him Tommy.
Here's a close up of Tommy. Hahaha!
When she wears that hat, she reminds me of the "Little Rascals" movie. Whenever I hear Little Rascals, the first name I think of is Buckwheat.
Therefore, I call her Buckwheat whenever she wears it. Hahaha!
Melanie sure loves to garden with her Nana.
Melanie hasn't been feeling to good the past couple of days. Abby helps me out with keeping an eye on her while I get things done around the house. This picture kills me. Look at how deeply Abby is looking into Melanie's eyes. It's like she really knows that Melanie is sick and wants to help protect and comfort her. Melanie shows appreciation back by petting her. My gosh, these two are adorable.
In case you missed the news and just thought I was getting fat...
We are expecting baby Hope #2 in September!
The hospital does not allow children inside the ultra sound room during the 20 week appointment, so we decided to do fetal imaging a week earlier so that Melanie could be apart of it. :)
Dallan snuck a picture of them two looking at the ultra sound screen waiting to find out if Melanie was going to have a little brother or sister.
Here is our other little squirt growing inside my tummy!
After we found out the gender we knew exactly how we wanted to reveal it.
Drum roll please... Then slowly scroll down...
It's another little GIRL!
I think Melanie knew all along...
She kept saying "baby sister." There was one time I even said, "Well what if it's a baby brother?" She responded, "No, baby sister."
Dallan and I couldn't be more happy. I know Melanie is going to be a GREAT big sister.
I'm going to do all I can to be the best mom I can be for these girls. I love them both with all my heart and would do anything for them. I'm humbled that my Heavenly Father trusts me enough to raise them.
I sure hope I can make Him proud.
More adventures coming soon. Summer time is full of them!
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