Thursday, October 2, 2014

Summer Comes To An End, Ogden Temple Open House, Cabin Fun, The "New" Zoo, And The State Fair!

We went to the mall the other week and thought, "what the heck" let's go in a photo booth. As you can see in this picture, Melanie was totally confused as to why Mommy and Daddy were making such interesting faces. Hahaha!
No wonder this Squish is such a goof sometimes! The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree....

Sunday evenings at temple square with family is one of the best! 
The view isn't too shabby either. :)

Family picture moment.. Precious! Haha! 
No, really though... Aren't we cute :)

We went with my family and couldn't help but take pictures of all of us with that beautiful sunset.
My parents :)

Melanie and her Nana! :)

Melanie and her Tata! :)

We can't forget uncle Ricky!

A few weeks ago Melanie and I went to the Ogden temple open house with my parents and Ricky. 

Absolutely beautiful! They TOTALLY remodeled it. It looks nothing like it did before.
FYI for those of you who aren't familiar with the Ogden, UT temple, it had already been built many years ago. They remolded it and had an open house. Then later, they rededicated the temple.

Of course Melanie headed towards the water fountain. I'm tellin' ya that kid loves the water.

Me and my little girl. Jesus loves us. He loves EVERYONE! :)

This picture totally makes it look like my brother Ricky and I are a couple. Hahaha!

We made a trip to the cabin before it had to be closed for the winter. We LOVE the good ol' out doors. Especially up in the mountains at the cabin. 

Cabin Sweet Cabin

Dallan, Melanie, and I went for a walk. The scenery was beautiful as always.

A scenic selfie. That sounds funny. Say that 10 times fast. Hahaha!

Daddy and his little squirt.

She found a log to sit on. Of course, as a Mom with a camera always on hand I HAD to take a picture.

Ok, these next few pictures are legit. This is not edited or zoomed in I swear! This is literally how close the birds will get to you here at the cabin. Grandma and Grandpa have bird feeders everywhere and the birds and squirrels just come right up. They have no fear.
Here is a picture of a hummingbird coming over for a drink.

I just stood at the balcony and let the camera do its thing.

If you sit long enough they even get comfortable enough to eat right out of your hand.

There ALWAYS has to be a good game of cards when you're at the cabin.
Oh, and a can of coke.

There's lots of color pages for Melanie to color on over there.

Melanie loved it when our uncle Monty read to her. She even called her Grandpa. When he left the room she would wonder where he went and say "Ba-pa? Ba-pa?" Haha! 

She knew exactly what bunk was the cool one. 
Dallan and his cousins called it the "cave."

This Squish is such a ham. She put a bowl on her head and thought it was the most hilarious thing. Haha!

Dallan had the day off and we made a fun filled day out of it. First, breakfast at the Cracker Barrel. 
Yummy pancakes there, just sayin'.

THEN... we headed to the zoo. The Hogle zoo got remodeled to naturally we had to check it out. Not to mention, Melanie absolutely loves the animals. 

"Look Dad! A zebra!"

They had a bird show and that was pretty cool.

Ok this gorilla was something. Dallan and I thought it was cool, but it seriously freaked Melanie out. Just as shown in the picture, the gorilla was tapping on that cube. Then out of nowhere, it threw the cube against the glass as hard as it could then ran and banged against the glass. As you can see, Melanie has a front row seat of the "gorilla spaz out" show. It scared here. Nuff said. 
Like I said before, Dallan and I wished we could have stayed and watch the gorilla freak out some more, but Melanie wouldn't have appreciated that. 

Me and my mini me. Love her!

We took a train ride around the zoo. That was fun.

"Choo- Choo!"

Needless to say she was completely worn out after the zoo.

In the evenings we go for walks with Grandma. Melanie likes to ride on her walker. Haha! 
It's cute. :)

I think Melanie has been watching Mommy and Daddy kiss a little too closely.

As you can see, Melanie and I love to draw and color!

I think we might have a little lefty!

What kid doesn't like a spray of whipped cream in their mouth? Haha! :)

Mommy and Melanie had a manicure day :)


Grandma bought her a bubble gun.

Out of nowhere Melanie started showing interest about going potty in the toilet. She did VERY well a first. She would go almost every time. Then BAM! 
She's not interested anymore.
How do I know she not interested anymore you ask? Well I asked if she needed to go pee pee in the potty. She never answered yes or no. I took her diaper off and left it to her to sit on her little potty and go. Well..... She stood NEXT to her potty and peed on the floor. Grrrreat. Lol!
Guess we'll try again when she's a little older.

When she doesn't get her afternoon naps this is what dinner time looks like. 

Melanie's face is too cute in this picture. "Cheese!"

State Fair time!!!!!!
Boy we love the roasted corn!

Melanie especially loves it!

Melanie's favorite.... The animals. Or in her words "Al-mulsh."

Baby cow! Awwwww! 

I think I was a little obsessed with this baby cow. It was just so darn cute!

I milked a cow.

Reindeer at the fair? Who knew?

"Hi there Mr. Pig."

She is so cheesy. What's up with the side ways smile? Haha!

Melanie's favorite animal this year was the "Doats."
Translation for Melanie language: Goats.
Hahaha :)

Melanie went on a pony ride! I think I was more excited than she was.

Me and my man. :) Love him.


I went to the store with Melanie and found the rocking horse and this giant Elmo. Both for a grand total of 11 bucks. Sweet deal! She loves them!

Time for a little water coloring and Nana and Tata's house.

In the mornings, Melanie and I have learning time.Basically my version of preschool. This particular time we used play dough to learn about circles and colors.

Ok this picture is priceless. I absolutely LOVE Melanie's expression in it. It is the cutest!
After bath time smiles :)

Ok ok... I know I have been behind with blogging lately. We've just been so busy, but don't you worry! More blog post coming soon! I ALWAYS have a camera on hand to take pictures of what's going on in the Hope family.
Just wait and see!

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