Alright people, you're probably wondering why I haven't blogged for a month. Well I've been writing a book. No really, I've literally written a book and getting it published. Once I get my book, I'll take a picture and put it up on the blog to prove it. Hahaha! Anyways, here's what you missed.....
A while ago we went on a double date with our good friends the Hugie's. I had to put this picture up because as Madi and I were chatting away, we look over and both of the guys were on their phones. I guess we aren't entertaining enough. Hahaha! It made both Madi and me laugh. We love those boys.

I have the best husband in the world. One day he surprised me with pink roses. They were so beautiful!
A while ago we went on a double date with our good friends the Hugie's. I had to put this picture up because as Madi and I were chatting away, we look over and both of the guys were on their phones. I guess we aren't entertaining enough. Hahaha! It made both Madi and me laugh. We love those boys.

I have the best husband in the world. One day he surprised me with pink roses. They were so beautiful!

For Halloween I painted my nails all festive!

We dressed up as Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles Flinstone.
Pretty cute huh? :)

The cutest little Pebbles EVER!

We got Melanie some glow in the dark jammies. She got a kick out of them.

We teamed up with our partners in crime for Halloween. It was a lot of fun!

This picture explains itself..... Hahaha!

Fall is so beautiful here in Utah.

Melanie's first set of piggy tails! She finally has enough hair....

One of Dallan's mission friends and his fiance invited us to go with them to a BYU basketball game. It was so fun! They are such good people. We love them!

We went for a walk around Liberty Park in down town Salt Lake. The leaves had fallen and the air was crisp. It was a perfect Fall day.

One day, Melanie and I went to visit my dad at his work. He treated us to lunch. We had a good time!
(Even though Melanie's face looks a little questionable)

We had a great Thanksgiving spent with lots of family. I am so grateful to have them live so close. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner with my parents. Then we headed over to spend some time with Dallan's family. I love this time of year!
Like I said I've been slacking for a month with my blog. No worries though. I finished my book, and I'm back on top of things!
This blog must go on!
Stay tuned for more fun with the Hopes!
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