The month of July continues! Ben has been out on his mission for about three weeks now and already a ton has happened.
I've been making these little fabric flowers and putting them on headbands for Melanie. Aren't they cute?
OH! I almost forgot, we got this little Munchkin's ears peirced! Earrings are so flippin' cute on her!
We got it done at the mall and she did really well!

And boy do they LOVE her!
They haven't had babies around for a long time. Everyone has grown up and since Melanie came along, she's made everyone's lives a little brighter.
Babies have such an innocence and sweet spirit about them.

Look at those chubby cheeks! I want to eat them!

She loves it! Her facial expression is priceless! "Daddy read more! Keep reading!"

She was like a little bird waiting for a worm. Hahaha!

Melanie was probably thinking, "What a psycho dog." Hahaha!

More scream faces from Squish and her trying to reach for the camera.

Dallan and I sure love this little girl.

Melanie can't walk on her own yet, but she can support her own weight and take steps with some help from Daddy.

Here are some pictures of our little adventure!!

On Pioneer Day (the 24th of July) we had some fun with my family. We had a glorious nap. Hahaha! We rested up and then had a tickle fight! Melanie thought that was funny. We followed that with an AWESOME barbecue, then dessert at Baskin Robins.
We watched fireworks from the Oquirrh Mountain Temple grounds. Best seats in town for firework watching. You can see them all across the Salt Lake valley. It's so pretty.

More to come!