The year continues! Melanie is growing like a weed, the weather is getting warmer, and we are continuing to have our adventures!
Kids are so funny. When they are tired, they are TIRED! Melanie will sleep anywhere if she is sleepy enough. Here is a picture of her sleeping in a cart at the store. Hahaha!
Squish loves to color. They have these giant coloring books with huge crayons and she goes to town with them. It's fun to watch her hold on to the big crayons with her little hands and start coloring.
Then Abby decided to join in on the fun.
My little girl with her sweet shades. Hahaha!

One day I decided to make some cookies so that they would be ready by the time Dallan got home. I had Melanie help me out. She absolutely LOVED it! She had so much fun helping Mommy.
Just look at that sweet face. Of course she had to have a taste and lick her little fingers.
We went shopping at Costco one evening and when we walked out, this beauty appeared.
An awesome rainbow!
I love that the weather is getting warmer so that we can go on walks. I've missed being outside all the time.
We had corn on the cob with our dinner one night and we decided to give one to Melanie and let her try it. She felt so cool eating it like a big person. She even started to get silly and let go of the corn while it was still in her mouth.
Squish officially has a favorite movie... The Muppets. It's like a two hour long Sesame Street to her I guess. As you can see Dallan didn't quite last through the whole movie. Melanie was even starting to doze off, but she tried her hardest to watch it all.
I took Melanie to the store and bought her this Color Wonder finger paint kit. She had so much fun and THANK GOODNESS it doesn't make a mess on furniture or fabric.
Here is the before and after picture. She was like a little Michelangelo.
Here are the cute buddies snuggling together. Poor Abby sometimes.... Squish occasionally likes to bite or chew on her head. Hahaha! Oh geez.
They don't lie when they say a baby's favorite toy is a box.
I have a confession to make....
I have a serious addiction to FROZEN YOGURT!
Mmmmmm Yogurtland, how I love you.
My sweet little girl sleeping with her beanie baby doll.
I love morning snuggles with this little girl.
It melts my heart. I love her so much!
Melanie got in her box again so while she was in it, I stuffed her toys all around her.
I don't think she appreciated it very much.
Just relaxing with her feet up.
Melanie has gotten old enough that she now can eat a kids meal at restaurants. She loves it because it makes her feel like a big girl.
Dallan and I had the same day off so we decided to go out on a family picnic at Murray Park. It was a beautiful day.
Just me trying to be artsy with the pictures.
There's nothing quite like laying out on the grass on a clear sunny day.
Melanie found a pine cone!
We would throw the pine cone and Melanie would run after it and bring it back.
In other words, yes, my daughter was playing fetch. Hahaha!
She sure had fun doing it though!
I love spending time with my little family and making memories. I know the warmer the weather gets, the more opportunities we will have to be outdoors and have some fun in the sun!
More adventures soon to come to a blog near you!