Melanie turned seven months old on the 2nd of this month. She is getting so big and growing so fast!
This picture makes me laugh. First of all, my husband looks like a goober with his cheesy smile! Hahaha! Love that guy so so much! The look on Melanie's face is as if she is thinking, "Ugh... Another picture? Seriously? Give me a break, would ya?"
Lol! And those cheeks! They are so kissable!

Dallan and I organized a "Pioneer Day Celebration" for his mom's side of the family. Since everyone is all grown up and gone there separate ways, we don't get the opportunity to all get together very often. It was fun to all gather together and hang out like we used to.
I think it was a success!

Anyways, we were in FANZZ the other day and I found this mini BYU hat. I had to put it on Melanie. I think it looks pretty good on her! I think she thinks so too!

We found Abby like this after someone used the bathroom. They must've forgot to spray some Febreze. Hahaha!

This summer we have been using our pool quite a bit. Way more than last year anyways. The Little Squish LOVES swimming. She splashes like it's no one's business!
Splash Splash Splash!

We FINALY bought Melanie a high chair. It has gotten to the point where the "bumbo" (a baby's chair that helps them sit up) would get her stuck because her thunder thighs are so huge and chubby. Not to mention a bumbo is to help babies get used to sitting up and she's been sitting up on her own for a while now.
Thank goodness for high chairs!
Did I mention we got it at a store called "Kid to Kid" for only...
Drum roll please....
20 bucks!

We got to hang out with Dallan's brother Justin quite a bit this summer. Before he went back to school in St. George. Melanie loves her uncle Justin. He sure can make her giggle with his silly faces.... As shown in the picture below. Hahaha!

Squish FINALY is growing hair! She's now bald anymore! Woo hoo!
To celebrate my excitement for Melanie's hair growth, I gave her a Mohawk.
I'm pretty sure by the expression on her face, she thought I was nuts.

More swimming! This time it was at Seven Peaks (a water park)! She loved the lazy river and the wave pool.

Melanie is having her two top teeth come in at the same time. This I'm not too thrilled about. It has been a nightmare.
It's made her really sick. Drooling, fever, endless crying, absolutely no sleeping (for her AND us), runny nose, and hives.
Babies should seriously be born WITH teeth. I'm sure nursing Moms are thinking, "Nah uh! Newborns with teeth and trying to nurse them? No way!"
Believe me, I think I'd rather get bit in the boob every once in a while than get absolutely no sleep for days. Trust me... I get grumpy when I'm tired and I do crazy things. Just ask Dallan.

My work brought in pie one day. Mmmmmm, pie...

We spent an evening Downtown at the City Creek mall.

Melanie was scared of the fountain and buried her head in Daddy's shoulder for protection.
"Daddy, save me from the scary fountain!"
City Creek has this cool thing where they have a fire and water show. It's pretty much a giant fountain that splashes to music and get this... FIRE is literally in with the water. I don't know, I can't explain it. I took pictures though so it would make more sense.

Happy happy happy baby in her cute overalls dress!

My parents' ward had a Luau at some huge park. It was fun! They had great Hawaiian food, hula dancers, and they even performed the Hakka.
Melanie was mesmerized!

The day that Dallan's brother Justin left for St. George, Melanie and I met up with him, his fiancé Lacy, Lauren, and Lindsey for breakfast at Villiage Inn.

Love this girl! Look at those big eyes and long eyelashes!

My two favorite people in the world! Wish this picture wasn't so blurry.

We FINALY got around to putting family pictures on the wall! Doesn't it look awesome!?

Dallan and I were at a restaurant and I gave Melanie a little sip of my lemonade.
Here are the results.... Not her favorite.

FaceTime with Uncle Justin!

Gotta start 'em young! The Squish brushing her teeth for the first time!
It was more like her just biting the toothbrush, but it was still cute!

Melanie has figured out how to scoot over to the edge of her crib, pull down the side thing down, and peak to see if we are around to let her out. Hahaha!

She loves bath time!

When we drain the tub, Melanie always tries to grab the water and keep it from going down.
When the water drains, it also makes a little tornado and she loves to watch that!
"No water! Don't go!"